4 easy S.E.O hacks

Ok so you have heard it mentioned more and more in recent years SEO this, SEO that but what exactly is SEO ?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's unpaid results—often referred to as "natural," "organic," or "earned" results.- Wiki

In other words, it's getting people to your website without having to spend tons of money doing so. Now let's break this down to some easy start up steps for your SEO needs.

Step 1:

Get aquainted with Google Trends. Google trends is a marketers best friend now a days. It helps you keep track of major trending topics in a variety of ways.

Using Google trend is quite easy and there's tons of video tutorials out there.

Use Google trends to: Research most used terms in your industry, test run keywords for popularity, compare different keywords see which work bests and much more!

Step 2:

Learn and master your #Hashtag game. Hashtags are a double edge sword if not used correctly they can greatly damage your business image, yet if used correctly in platforms such as Twitter & Instagram they can become a game changing tactic for any business or brand.

Use Hastags to: Make your product available to new clients, unique way to market and reach new consumers, great way to get you're brand image out to the masses.

Step 3:

Study your competition! No matter what kind of business you have or may be starting there is someone out there doing something similar. Study the competition. See their posts and what keywords they may be using. Visit their website and right click on background and click on (view page source) this takes you "under the hood" of any website where you can study their site and even find what keywords they may be using to bring traffic to their site.

Not sure how to read the code? Check out this helpful article on reading website source codes.

Use View page source for: Studying your competitions website setup, researching what keywords they may be using to drive traffic in, can give you a better idea of what you are doing wrong and what you may be doing correct.

Step 4:

Don't give up hope! Rome wasn't built in a day. Perfecting SEO takes time and patience. Always remember to study what you are doing and see what works and keep it and get rid of whatever doesn't.

Also make sure to use Google Webmaster Tools it is one of the most in-depth ways to study as well as perfect your web presence in a wide variety of ways!

We hope this helps & remember who taught you first!

#SEO #SEOhacks #Howto #Googletrends #Hastags #Viewpagesource #SEOblog #POPclamation #Googlewebmastertools #Searchengineoptimizationeasy
